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Tips for textures in web design

Every surface has a texture. That is a fact. Sand, water, walls and tables are all textured. Even the Internet has texture, or more accurately: the Internet appears to have texture. We want to explain the advantages of textures in web design and how they can be used properly

Web design: Adaptive vs. responsive Layout

To create a website for only one  type of display nowadays is unimaginable - thanks to smartphone and tablet. But  what is the answer to smooth presentation on multiple devices? "Responsive  Web Design" is a frequently-cited keyword. "Responsive Web  Design" can be roughly divided into two areas: "adaptive layout"  and "responsive layout". But what do the terms actually mean and  which of the two should we use? We can shed some light on the mysteries of layout!

Successful Blogging

A blog is a great tool to post your own opinions, build a community, network with other users and direct traffic to your website. Many website owners and entrepreneurs already know that. But how to start or what to write about in the first place often remains a mystery. So we are summarising here what we think is important in order finally to be able to get started.

5 Wireframe Tools simplify your webdesign workflow

If you are starting a new website project, it often makes very good sense to visualise your own ideas before you start. This gives you a "Look & Feel" and not just for presentations. You avoid overly abstract thinking, and your own thoughts are free to develop good design and a successful message to the customer. Here we present five good wireframe tools, with which you can create good website models.

Marketing techniques for any new website

Whenever a new website starts up, there is never an easy way to get a lot of visitors quickly. Social media does allow, if it works, a fast growth process via viral distribution, but there is no guarantee. So... you have no choice but to open up a variety of marketing channels and to form links, so that as many visitors as possible find the click path to your website.