Web hosting

We host

Speed is everything

High performing websites rank higher as mobile users don't wait longer than 2 seconds for a page to load.

description description
Load time

Our technical infrastructure is laid out to make your website or application as fast as possible. We host your website on the latest cutting-edge and ultra-performance hardware platforms.

Source: Pingdom
Uptime guarantee

Our monitored uptime guarantee is a good indication that we work hard to keep your website online.

Source: HostTracker
FREE Support
We have free technical support with our hosting packages to make sure you don’t get stuck!
No Spam
We use advanced SPAM software to block any spam.
Plesk Admin Panel
All clients have their own access to the administration panel, were they can add applications, email address etc.
Special Prices for Private clients and NPO’s
We offer non-profit organisations and private individuals a discount for our services. However, our engagement and your benefit remain at the same gratifying level. Just get in touch with us for a full quote.
Private clients
FREE hardware upgrade
Every 2 years we completely change the hardware platforms and software our servers run on. In this way, we can guarantee to provide the latest state of the art technology. This service is free of charge for our clients.