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Principles of inclusive design

For everything there are rules - etiquette, laws and physics. Everything follows principles, whether these have been given from nature – see physics- or as created by man, such as social rules. In web design there are also principles. One of these codes is the “inclusive design” of which web designers often make use. We want to share today what it is all about.

Badges and ribbons - refreshing elements in web design

We have already presented the button as a useful element for the call to action. However, what are actually the "badges" that are used? Moreover, what are "ribbons"? The joy of web designers is enormous when it comes to these web design elements - they are just so versatile. We want to introduce to you a couple of nice ideas on the use of badges and ribbons in web design.

Pros and cons of sticky navigation

Navigation on websites and the speed with which this can be done are fundamentals which contribute significantly to user-friendliness. So-called "sticky navigation" is a good tool for making the navigation of the website effective and fast. We explain how it works and the pros and cons.

Macro and micro typography and its influence on readability

Web designers agree on the relevance of typography and its impact on a web page. The content and the message are carried by the text presented. Photos and videos are merely accessories to the actual content. Therefore, the focus should be on the experience of reading a web page and its optimization. Today on the programme: Macro and micro typography in web design.

Product pages done right

The presentation of a product can and will decide the success of a sale. That is something that e-commerce experts and marketing professionals know. Of course, the representation of a product which is available in online shops is a natural evolution of the local shop. This raises the question: How can a website be made so attractive that the product offered is also purchased?